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    Surgical Excision of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia: Get It Right

    AAO 2023 Video Program
    Intracranial Pressure/Headache , Neuro-Ophthalmology/Orbit

    Objective: To describe the minimal- or no-touch technique for excision of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). Methods: Video demonstration of the salient points to keep in mind for protocol-based excision of OSSN, including handling of the excised tissue with proper orientation on Whatman filter paper for histopathological examination and critical analysis of the histopathological report by the pathologist, ensuring appropriate management of these lesions. Results: Excision of OSSN with clinically clear margins using the no-touch technique and the use of double freeze thaw cryotherapy to the conjunctival edge, involved limbal zone and bare scleral bed ensure complete removal of these lesions, thus reducing the chances of recurrence. Proper orientation of the tissue on Whatman filter paper with unrolling of the margins helps the pathologist to appropriately report about the entire lesion with a critical comment on the margins and base of the tissue. Comment on the margins and base of the lesion, if involved, can help plan any further management required in these cases. Conclusion: Protocol-based management can ensure excellent outcomes for these patients.