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  • By Faruk H. Orge, MD; K. David Epley, MD

    Retinoscopy provides an objective means for assessing refractive error. It is an indispensable test for pediatric patients, and is helpful in non- or preverbal patients or when an autorefractor is unavailable. Neutrality is the goal of retinoscopy, which occurs when the reflex is neutral: there is no with or against motion, and the reflex appears bright and full through the entire pupil.

    How to Use the Retinoscopy Simulator

    • The interactive Retinoscopy Simulator is designed for students to learn and practice the principles of retinoscopy.
    • Visualize how light reflexes in an eye with various refractive errors and amounts of astigmatism, and from various working distances.
    • The simulator allows adjustment of spherical power, cylinder power, and cylinder axis. The angle of the light streak can also be adjusted. 
    • The test mode randomizes patients with a variety of refractive errors. Test yourself until you've mastered the techniques.