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    Light-Adjustable Lens

    By T. Hunter Newsom, MD; William F. Wiley, MD
    AAO 2014
    Cataract/Anterior Segment, Refractive Mgmt/Intervention

    In this interview from AAO 2014, Dr. William Wiley describes early outcomes from the light-adjustable lens (LAL), a silicone, photosensitive IOL currently in trials in the United States. When macromolecules in the lens are polymerized with UV light, the shape of the lens can be selectively changed and refractive qualities adjusted. The obvious benefit of the LAL is that it can be adjusted postoperatively to correct for preoperative diagnostic errors and residual refractive errors, including astigmatism, higher-order aberrations, and presbyopia. Dr. Wiley has found the refractive outcomes better than those of any other refractive or cataract procedure in his current practice.