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    Migraines: More Than Meets the Eye

    AAO 2017
    Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cornea/External Disease, Dry Eye , Neuro-Ophthalmology/Orbit

    In this interview from AAO 2017, Dr. Kathleen Digre discusses why all ophthalmologists should take a closer look at migraines. As she explained during her William F. Hoyt lecture, migraine is a very common sensory and pain processing disorder that is associated with several kinds of visual disturbance, as well as dry eye. When a patient reports visual snow, frequent floaters or photophobia, it is essential to ask if they have a history of migraines while also eliminating other possible ocular causes. Dr. Digre recommends blue light blocking FL-41 glasses for patients with photophobia, and encourages treating dry eye in these patients, as both these approaches help reduce overstimulation to the patient's already highly sensitive sensory processing systems. 

    Relevant Financial Disclosures: Dr. Digre is part owner of a patent for thin film technology and receives book royalties.