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  • Oct 16, 2016

    Switzerland | Glaucoma Center, Swiss Visio, Montchoisi Clinic

    Institution/Practice Information

    Name: Glaucoma Center, Swiss Visio, Montchoisi Clinic
    Type: Private Practice
    City. State / Province: Lausanne,
    Country: Switzerland

    Contact Person Information

    Name: Kaweh Mansouri

    Training Opportunity Information

    Training Opportunity: International Fellow and Scholar Program
    Subspecialty: Glaucoma
    Focus: Both Clinical and Research
    Description: 1. The Swiss Visio Montchoisi International Fellow program offers international medical graduates a structured opportunity to train in medical glaucoma. The fellow will have the opportunity to observe and engage in direct patient care and observe surgeries. It is expected that the fellow be interested and involved in clinical research activities. 2. The Swiss Visio Montchoisi International Scholar program offers international medical graduates the opportunity to observe clinical glaucoma. These observerships are generally one month in length but can be extended to longer periods of time.
    Preceptor: Kaweh Mansouri
    Duration: 1 to 3 months
    Start Month:
    Application Deadline: No Deadline
    Patient Care: Observational Patient Care
    Financial Support Offered: Possible
    Accepts Applicants: In Residency, Completed Residency, Subspecialty Trained, In Practice
    Language(s) Required: English
    Sponsor / Organization:
    Website for More Information:
    Additional Requirements: 1. Basic knowledge of French is required for direct patient contact. 2. Only MDs are accepted for the program. 3. Virtual interview required.