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  • Nov 23, 2016

    Italy | Scientific Institute San Raffaele - Department of Ophthalmology - Vita Salute University - Chair Prof. Francesco Bandello

    Institution/Practice Information

    Name: Scientific Institute San Raffaele - Department of Ophthalmology - Vita Salute University - Chair Prof. Francesco Bandello
    Type: University Based
    City. State / Province:
    Country: Italy

    Contact Person Information

    Name: Gisella Maestranzi

    Training Opportunity Information

    Training Opportunity: San Raffaele Ophthalmology Training Center
    Subspecialty: Comprehensive Ophthalmology
    Focus: Both Clinical and Research
    Description: The program offers an observership learning experience organized in sub-speciality. Clinical activity is conducted always under the the supervision of specialists in the field of the chosen topic and includes outpatient and inpatient medical visits for diagnosis, medical and surgery treatments and follow-up. It is also possible attend operating room only and ever as observers For a multidisciplinary management each service is in close contact with the other hospital departments such as neurology, neuroradiology, neurosurgery, endocrinology, immunology, otolaryngology. The program includes also teaching, laboratories and tutorials. The research activity is conducted at the adjacent University research labs which has a special interest in retinal vascularization. The Research Unit "Vision First", started in November 2009 under the direction of Prof. Francesco Bandello, coordinates all clinical-translational research projects and basic-research projects of the Department of Ophthalmology. For basic research an established collaboration with the Complications of Diabetes Research Unit directed by Dr Giampaolo Zerbini has been provided. Currently some ophthalmologists spend 50% of their working-time in this lab to direct in progress projects.
    Start Month: Flexible
    Application Deadline: No Deadline
    Patient Care: Observational Patient Care
    Financial Support Offered: Possible
    Accepts Applicants: In Residency, Completed Residency, Subspecialty Trained, In Practice
    Language(s) Required: English
    Sponsor / Organization:
    Website for More Information:
    Additional Requirements: