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    Cryotherapy & AMG Template Techniques

    Cornea/External Disease

    Dr. Christopher Sales demonstrates techniques for creating an amniotic membrane graft (AMG) template and using sponges and cryotherapy to seal the conjunctival wound after an excisional biopsy. Once the cut edge of the conjunctiva is freed of the Tenon capsule and positioned in the approximate final location, a template for the AMG is traced onto plastic and then transferred to the AMG sheet. Cryotherapy is applied along the cut edge of the conjunctiva, using a thin piece of instrument wipe to elevate the conjunctival margin and a Weck-cel sponge for support. Finally, the AMG is placed and the conjunctival edges are drawn over its edges, and everything is sealed with fibrin glue. 

    Financial Disclosures: Dr. Christopher Sales discloses a financial relationship with Network Medical Review (Patents/Royalty).