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  • Cataract/Anterior Segment

    Researchers measured central subfield thickness (CSF) and aqueous VEGF levels in 36 diabetic patients before and after cataract surgery. Mean aqueous VEGF was positively correlated with a clinically meaningful change in CSF - greater than 11 percent - at one month postop. Patients with retinopathy had greater mean aqueous VEGF levels at progressively more severe levels of retinopathy. Patients with clinically significant macular edema (CSME) preop had the highest mean aqueous VEGF levels. But the study couldn't distinguish the influence of CSME or severity of retinopathy on the positive association with mean aqueous VEGF or other factors. Larger studies are recommended, particularly to dissect the potential value of aqueous VEGF and severity in retinopathy as predictors of postop macular thickening.