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  • By Michael Vaphiades, DO

    This study demonstrated that patterns of visuoperceptual impairment in corticobasal syndrome may be linked to Alzheimer disease.

    Frequently patients with corticobasal syndrome are found to have Alzheimer-type findings on autopsy.

    The authors used the Visual Object and Space Perception Battery (VOSP) test to assess 36 patients with corticobasal syndrome and distinguish those with and without Alzheimer disease. All patients were autopsied for definitive diagnosis.

    The authors found that corticobasal syndrome patients with Alzheimer disease had a significantly greater likelihood of failure on specific VOSP subtests than corticobasal syndrome patients without Alzheimer disease.

    They report that all VOSP spatial subtests and the incomplete letters subtest showed acceptable sensitivity and significantly elevated odds ratios for corticobasal syndrome-Alzheimer disease. They say that the sensitivity, specificity and odds ratios for these VOSP subtests exceeded those of other neuropsychological measures, including tests of memory.

    They add that the VOSP is an inexpensive clinical tool that is quick and easy to administer, with individual subtests that can be used in isolation. They note that the incomplete letters and cube analysis subtests may be particularly helpful in diagnosing underlying Alzheimer disease in patients presenting with corticobasal syndrome.