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  • Refractive Mgmt/Intervention

    This retrospective review included 69 patients (109 eyes) with preoperative central corneal thickness of 452 to 500 µm, and no known risk factors for keratectasia.
    No patient showed clinical signs of keratectasia at any follow-up visit. All patients were followed at least at one month and 12 months, with a maximum of 5.4 years.
    The authors write that the analysis of BSCVA change revealed safe outcomes with a minimal loss of BSCVA. The clinical findings of eyes that experienced a loss of BSCVA were not suggestive of keratectasia. Vector analysis of postoperative refractive cylinder change revealed no meaningful average drift in cylinder. Both eyes with greater than 1.00 D of cylinder change over time were examined by topography at the final postoperative visit and revealed no signs of keratectasia.