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  • Reproduced with permission from Johnson SH. Phacoemulsification. Focal Points: Clinical Modules for Ophthalmologists. San Francisco: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 1994, module 6. Illustration by Christine Gralapp
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    Cataract/Anterior Segment

    Anterior capsulotomy techniques. A, In the can-opener incision, punctures are made peripherally and pulled centrally so that the torn edges connect. Each puncture site has the potential for a radial tear if stressed. B, In the capsulorrhexis, tearing is begun within the area to be excised and finished from the outside in. When stress lines in the free flap appear between forceps and the tear site, best control is maintained by regrasping the flap near the tear site. Positive vitreous pressure makes the tear travel peripherally; filling the anterior chamber with an OVD will counteract the posterior vitreous pressure and make it easier to complete the capsulorrhexis tear.