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  • CNV

    Parts A–C courtesy of Peter K. Kaiser, MD; parts D–E courtesy of Hermann D. Schubert, MD; part F illustration by Christine Gralapp.
    File Size: 448 KB
    Related: Disciform scar, CNV

    A, End-stage CNV that has progressed to fibrovascular scar, often called a disciform scar. B, Late-phase fluorescein angiogram showing staining of the subretinal fibrous tissue and extensive leakage from the disciform scar. C, Optical coherence tomogram of the same patient, illustrating disorganization and edema of the retina and underlying fibrous tissue. D and E, Histologic specimens from a disciform scar. F, Schematic cross section of a disciform scar. Note the partial loss of the photoreceptor layer overlying the scar and disturbance of the RPE and Bruch membrane.