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    Cataract/Anterior Segment

    Jacob glued capsular hook. a. A traumatic subluxated single-piece IOL with iridodialysis is seen. b. A modified capsular hook is inserted through a 20-gauge sclerotomy created under the flap. c. The hook engages the rhexis rim. d. An intrascleral 26-gauge Scharioth tunnel is created. e. The hook is trimmed. f. The hook is tucked into the tunnel. Iridodialysis is repaired and the flap is closed with fibrin glue. g. A biflanged polymethyl methacrylate glued capsular hook is seen inserted into the anterior chamber through the main port in a case with traumatic subluxation and inferior iris defect. The haptic is exteriorized through the sclerotomy. h. The flanges of the hook engage the rhexis in a well-rounded, stable manner. i. The haptic is trimmed and tucked into an intrascleral 26-gauge Scharioth tunnel. j. Postoperative appearance of a case showing a well-centered IOL. The glued capsular hook is seen engaging the rhexis. k. Postoperative anterior segment optical coherence tomography (ASOCT) showing a well-centered IOL with no tilt. l. An intrascleral haptic tuck seen on ASOCT.