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    Structuring a Part-Time Practice: Panel-Audience Discussion

    By Harry Zink, MD; Linda M. Tsai, MD; Ruth D. Williams, MD; Linda M. Christmann, MD; Tamara Fountain, MD; Robert Wiggins, MD; Susan Forster, MD; Mike Brennan, MD; Andrew Doan, MD; Lynn Gordon, MD
    AAO 2014
    Comprehensive Ophthalmology

    This is the final part of a 7-part series. The series concludes with a panel-audience discussion. The questions posed range from the downside of choosing part-time practice to which subspecialties better lend themselves to this type of practice. The panel consists of Harry Zink, Linda Tsai, Ruth Williams, Linda Christmann, Tamara Fountain, Robert Wiggins, Susan Forster, Mike Brennan, Andy Doan, and Lynn Gordon.