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  • Coronavirus Impact: Stress Management Advice

    The coronavirus pandemic can induce significant anxiety. As an ophthalmic community, we can to work together to share solutions. Here is some stress management advice you can use. 

    In The News

    Psychologists’ advice for newly remote workers

    As employers close offices to slow the spread of COVID-19, here’s advice from industrial and organizational psychologists on how managers and employees can work more effectively during this time.

    • Minimize distractions
    • Set goals and boundaries
    • Make a communication plan
    • Seek social connection

    How leaders can maximize trust and minimize stress during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Psychologists’ research shows how to boost leaders’ communication in times of crisis.

    • Manage stress
    • Share information with empathy and optimism
    • Use credibility to build trust
    • Be honest and transparent
    • Provide regular communications
    • Provide a forum for feedback
    • Be a role model 

    Keeping Your Distance to Stay Safe

    With the number of COVID-19 cases increasing daily, psychologists offer insights on how to separate yourself from others, while still getting the social support you need.

    Seven crucial research findings that can help people deal with COVID-19

    While the new pandemic is unique in many ways, there are lessons to be learned from a significant body of literature on the psychological and behavioral health responses and consequences of disaster events. Those lessons include:

    • Social media may escalate anxiety more than traditional media
    • Too much media of any kind can undermine mental health
    • Trustworthy information sinks in
    • A lack of control fuels stress
    • Managing stress ASAP can prevent long-term troubles
    • Don't forget the needs of health-care workers
    • Quarantines and isolation may increase the odds of negative psychological outcomes

    COVID -19 related stress management and coping tips from the CDC
    Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger.