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  • MIPS Data Audits for 2022 Begin in November

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) this month began contacting clinicians and groups that participated in the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System in 2022 for the purpose of conducting data validation audits.

    MIPS-eligible clinicians or groups selected for the audit may get an email between November 2023 and March 2024. MIPS participants must comply with data sharing requests from Guidehouse, the organization CMS has authorized to conduct the audits. If you are selected, the security contact named in your Health Care Quality Information Systems Access, Roles, and Profile (HARP) account will get an email from Guidehouse (

    Make sure your security official’s contact information is up to date in the HARP system. You have 45 days from the notification date to provide the requested information, including copies of claims, medical records for applicable patients or other resources used in the data calculations for MIPS measures, objectives and activities.

    For questions about the audits, contact Guidehouse at or the Quality Payment Program Service Center at 1.866.288.8292 or